An overdraft loan is a variant of credit which are provided by several banks and lenders to the borrower. It enables the borrower to spend more and more amount than you have saved in your particular account. It provides financial assistance during business downfall and any mishaps to your savings. Your bank or lender will exercise several types of inspection if you have taken an overdraft loan in your name, The amount sometimes gets bounced and in this case, you can easily refrain from payment of several types of fees and funds. The rate of interest on overdraft loans is relatively low as compared to credit card loans, but overdraft credit, may face several issues like risks and you need to pay additional charges in the name of processing fees and other security charges. Sometimes, it affects the credit score which makes the borrower stay away from several loan benefits.

In this blog, we will let you know the impact of an overdraft loan on your credit score. Read all the points carefully:

Know When Overdraft Loan Impacts the Credit Score

The relationship between the credit score and the overdraft loan may seem very complex, but it becomes very necessary to know the rising impacts of financial issues related to it.

The Report of your Borrowings are Reported By Overdraft Loan: Banks and financial institutions report to their respective credit bureaus. If you have taken an overdraft loan, ensure that you have submitted all the documents on time in order to avoid financial risks associated with your borrowings. All your details are sent by your lender related to overdraft loans with your credit score. So, keep your credit at a good level.

 Keep a Habit of Positive Reporting on Time: In case you have borrowed an overdraft loan and you pay off your debts on time and report to your lender, it will automatically enhance your credit score which makes you eligible for taking a new loan. A good credit score always helps the borrower with a good image. Your credit report will be zero if you pay off your debts at the end of the month because it affects negatively your lender.

Red Flag With Missed Payment of EMIs: A constant or a series of missed payments for your debts or EMI will adversely affect your credit score and also represent a bad image on your lender. Borrowing an Overdraft loan is not a matter of appreciation but maintaining your integrity in your lender is important. You should pay off your debts on time to stay away from their red flag signal.

Business Loan

Avoid High Credit Utilization: The higher the credit utilization, the lower the chances of improving your credit score. You should take care of your expenses and keep your credit utilization as low as possible as it helps you to maintain perfect stability in your credit score and also affects good to your overdraft credits for managing your business or dealing with several types of finances.

Negative overdraft reporting may affect your creditworthiness badly: If your repayment of missing debts on time has crossed the prescribed limit for using the credit and has several charges imposed on you by your lender, it will pose a threat to your financial reporting related to your credit bureaus. It will harm all your credit scores. Ensure you have made your payments on time without disturbing your credit.

Don’t Play with the DTI Ratio: The DTI ratio is the value in percentage which shows how much your expenses are as compared to your credit or income. Try to reduce your DTI ratio so that you will get good deals in getting good loans from your lender. Keep DTI or debt-to-income ratio by 30% to 35%.


A credit score is one of the most necessary factors that lenders and banks consider for providing a loan to a borrower. If you have taken an overdraft loan and wish to enhance your creditworthiness, then you have to plan wisely and make your DTI or credit utilization low as your reports are sent to credit bureaus. Any bad impact on your income or expenses will affect your credit score.