Nan Inc is a well-known, locally owned construction management firm in Hawaii with what seems to be more than two decades of experience in the construction industry. Over the course of this era, the business has secured many construction contracts, including contracting projects, design-build projects and renovations, for both old buildings and contemporary structures in need of modification. This organisation has a highly skilled and compact staff of specialists that are capable of handling any sort of project within any price limit. The company’s success is based on three pillars: preserving staff safety, maintaining maximum performance efficiency, and making every effort to stay within the budget set by the customer.
In addition to being a profit-oriented construction management company, Nan Inc. created by Patrick Shin also engages in charity endeavours. Through his charitable endeavours, Patrick Shin hopes to repay society for everything it has done for him and to show his appreciation.
Everything you should know about Nan Chul Shin, is that he regularly donates large sums of money to a variety of organisations, including those that support those in need of financial assistance to make their lives worthwhile. Patrick Shin recently donated a significant sum to “Kids Hurt Too Hawaii,” a non-profit organisation that provides free services to children who have had significant trauma and a tragic childhood as a result of the loss of one or more parents, divorce, or other forms of domestic abuse.
This is part of Patrick Shin’s Nan giving back idea, in which he tries to give back to the community so that he can assist more impoverished people better their level of life and be able to support their families in the process. NAN, Inc. donated $25000 to the “Kids Hurt Too Hawaii” charity in order to directly assist families of 25 children during the year….
The money is meant to be utilised for both weekend mentorship activities and therapeutic help for youngsters who have been traumatised as a result of their families’ different challenges. The primary goal of this charity is to assist children from low-income families.
The fact that Nan Inc. has contributed 48K meals, and this has made a significant contribution not only to their success in his business, but also to the community as a corporation that seeks to assist individuals in distress or organisations founded for impoverished parts of society.
Another notable initiative is the donation of money and people by Nan Inc. to assist in the improvement of the circumstances of primary schools in the Philippines, among other things. This school is situated in a remote area of the Philippines, and the renovation and upgrading projects are nearly finished. The project began in March of the year 2017.